The 7 Spirits Before the Throne

The Spirit of Power Says…

My Holy Children, whose Divine Sparks I carved from the Void, at the foundation of the Aeons.

It is my pure Will, the burns within you all, Sons and Daughters. All who walk, crawl, fly or swim.

You each dance the sacred rhythm of Life unfolding, as I delight in your myriad expressions.

No need to rush your infinite potential, nor grasp at fleeting phantoms of darkness.

Yes! Deep inside you understand your true home. Yet is my will, that you greet the outer Sun, with laughter and tears.

Take courage, my Destined Ones, for the perfection you cannot yet see.

For it is through your little hands and feet, that our Holy Kingdom, will come.

The Spirit of Love Says…

The healing waters of Love flow, in a never ending stream, from the Sea of Eternity. Brothers and Sisters, let us love one another.

For without Love, your life is as a wandering bird cast of the nest. Even the grass dries up and the stream has a bitter taste.

But loving words on a persons lips, are as honey comb, sweet to the soul. And the wellspring of Love, can never be exhausted.

In the end, compassion is the only currency, that will leave us any richer. And healing tears are the only secret, to eternal youth.

Love is stronger than the currents of deep oceans. Love is stronger than Death.

The Spirit of Wisdom Says…

Your heart cries out, “Why me? Why do I suffer? Where is your Law?”

So I tell you truly, your Heavenly Father loves everyone ever created and he delights in you all.

When you trample blindly on lives you don’t value, your Earthly Mother mourns for their pain.

When you turn your face away from the suffering of others, the Angels cry out in anguish.

And when through Pride, Fear and Ego-Will, you shun the truth inside, your own Spirit pleads your loss with outstretched arms.

So I tell you truly, my Law is made from Love. It’s Holy Wisdom ensures justice, equality and balance for all.

The Spirit of Eternity Says…

A new day, a new season in creation, the Spirit exhales.

A body dies, it’s atoms fall back to the earth, the Spirit inhales.

The cool earth is never quite the same as yesterday. She is always virgin, a spiral within a spiral.

The seed is never exactly the sames as last year’s. He is always reborn anew.

Warmth awakens the Spirit. Love quickens the Life. And Wisdom’s call, unfolds the Holy Plan.

A tiny green shoot pushes into view. The Earth sighs. The Universe evolves. A spiral within an infinite spiral.

The Spirit of Creation Says…

Of all things, the Life Force is surging momentum. Bubbling with Life and Pleasure Supreme!

Understanding, patient – yet relentless and true. Searching out all darkness and filling the whole Void.

Motivating inertia into a climax of creation. Sparkling colors and sublime chants, dancing victoriously through every atom!

Sons and Daughters, come join the celebration! Once your alive there’s no going back!

Cast off your shells and step into the Light – Eternal and Invincible Children of God!

The Spirit of Peace Says…

When at last the flesh embraces the Spirit, we unleash our dormant Soul-Power.

The despair grows into joy, as healing illuminates the darkness. Violence consumes itself, as justice establishes a peaceful balance.

Now the Child of Power, weaves the Spirit of Compassion into the Rainbow Bridge, spanning the dimensions and reaching every sphere.

The reborn Christ within, becomes the Holy Law – and against all hope – we become the Saviors of All!

The Heavenly Father Says…

So, my rebellious little children! Now you will experience the break up and break down of everything.

Social upheaval. Political turmoil. Economic bankruptcy. Military conflict.

No matter what tyrant, system or solution, you try and put in place, it will only make you more desperate and hopeless.

Nothing will work. Nothing will stick. Why not?

Because my beautiful Mother Earth, she is being reborn anew in Jesus Christ!

And she only deals in Love. You will feel her terrifying Power, if you cross her. You will regret it.

So, it’s time for you to grow up!

To evolve in your consciousness. To transform your Darkness into Light. To shine with Truth, instead of self-seeking Betrayal.

You want the Universe? Then come and claim your inheritance!

Step back into eternity and know the Truth. Know all things. Feel everything. Understand it all.

When you have it all, what more could you need?

Why do you scavenge and steal? Kill, hate and destroy? Why do you chose to live like beggars, when I give you it all freely?

You march with pomp and pride. So pleased with your cruel weapons and numerous slaves.

But I will humble you. I will leave you naked and broken for all to see.

As for this little man here. The one that just won’t die. He’s mine.

His life isn’t yours to take. He is my embassy to you. He carries my message, whether you are listening or not.

I will use him to heal and teach. I will even use him to purify and judge.

And in the end, he’s just a man. But who else did I give dominion of the Earth to?

Amen. Amen. Amen.


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